The Bandit’s Strategy
The Bandit’s Strategy
By Yu Xiao Lanshan
7 Chapters
4 Reviews
Wen Liunian is Cangmang City’s newly appointed prefect. The common people banged on their gongs and drums, thinking the lord official will be like before, a big, strong man built like an iron tower, but no one expected it to be a skinny and weak bookworm that walked out of the coach. Lord Wen looked around, furrowed his brows and exclaimed, “This place really is poor.” The people heard and their hearts shattered all over the ground, we don’t want that either, but on the mountains outside of the city there are bandits. —— The Bandit’s Strategy is the third book in Yu Xiao Lan Shan’s Jianghu/Strategy series. Each book is standalone, but there are character cameos and mentions that don’t disrupt the flow of the main story of each book. 1st book: Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful 2nd book: Everywhere in Jianghu are Tycoons 3rd book: The Bandit’s Strategy 4th book: The Emperor’s Strategy 5th book: Return Together